Patti Gardiner

Artist Statement
Being moved by beauty is an ancient experience, touching our soul in profound and important ways. It fills us with a sense of optimism. It creates a call and response within us reminding us that we are in relationship with the environment.
        My goal is to stir a sense of wonder and connectedness with the natural world by revealing its little known beauty and amazing design. Building an awareness of these unseen mysteries creates an openness and appreciation for the diversity surrounding us everyday.

After The Bloom Series
My current work, “After the Bloom,” focuses on macro views of seeds and seed pods. Flowers get all the glory.  We ooh and awww over them, smell them, send them, dry them, paint them, photograph them, write poetry about them... the list goes on and on. This series explores the untold story of what follows after the bloom. The shriveled petals, seeds, and pods are quirky, unexpected, and surprisingly lovely!
        Inspired by the art of photographic cyanotypes, I experimented with a digital process juxtaposing shadows of wildflowers with macro photos of their seeds and pods. The past and present merge into one, whispering to us at an emotional level. Even in shadows, there are seeds of hope.

Artist Biography
Patti has worked in a variety of mediums including photography, weaving, video film making, watercolor, and handmade bookmaking. Photography has always been the most deeply satisfying. She has produced national award winning video shorts, and had her photography work exhibited in several galleries. Patti has a B.F.A. in Digital Media. She continuously develops her craft through research and attending select workshops and classes. After 22 years teaching Digital Arts at a community college, she retired to focus on her art.


Rebecca Ganz


Lyn Hart