Mabel Dean

Artist Statement
In the fall of 1993 I made my first book. I enjoyed the tactile experience of handling the paper and making stitches in it with needle and thread. This was the beginning of a long love affair with artists' books – making them, appreciating them and teaching others how to make them.

I find inspiration all around me but especially in nature. I like to work intuitively, allowing my unconscious to direct my work. The first step in my process usually involves harvesting from my experience. I gather items, images, ephemera, articles, poetry – any “stuff” that appeals to me that is related to some topic that interests me. And then I let things ruminate – sometimes for days but often for months and even years!

At some point a book begins to take form - usually with words coming first and format and construction falling into place afterwards. I play with a variety of media as I work to create a finished book that is worthy of and supports the text I have selected or created. If I am lucky, the book emerges with ease, but that is not always the case. There will forever be a number of books “in process” on my to-do list.

I especially enjoy sharing my love of making books with others through teaching and have found that my classroom experiences have greatly enhanced my life through the wonderful students who have opted to study with me.

In 1993, after a varied career that included teaching, writing, consulting, and financial marketing, Mabel Dean embarked on a new journey in the arts. She became immersed in the study of a variety of art media by taking classes with dozens of nationally know artists. She has drawn on her knowledge of painting, calligraphy, collage, design, polymer clay, and fiber and metal arts to create unique one-of-a-kind artists books.

In 1995 Mabel started teaching art to adults at the University of Arizona Extended University. Since then she has offered a wide variety of classes in book arts, mixed media and journaling. She helped found the FeMail Press, a group of six book artists who met at a Susan E. King workshop in 1994. The group collaborated over a period of ten years, each year producing a limited edition artists' book. These books now reside in numerous private and university collections throughout the country. Mabel has been active in various arts organizations in southern Arizona. These include the Collage Association of Southern Arizona, The Southern Arizona Scribes, and The Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild. Mabel served as the founding president of PaperWorks which was established in January, 2001.


Cindy Cook-Keller


Vanessa Dearing