Linda Kern

Early art “play” included photography, fiber, and stitching.  After a long gap, the next phase brought a more serious practice with graphite and charcoal, which provided continued focus on value and lighting.   

Today my daily haunts, gardens, and construction sites provide a plethora of subject matter.  Weeds, seeds, and pods catch my eye and never fail to deliver mystery and often overlooked patterns as they transition from emergence to decay.  The same can be noticed on construction sites, from delivery of new materials to unfortunate waste, then deterioration.

Concerns related to our threatened environment often appear in my pieces, pointing to our consumer-based society and the damages inflicted on our natural resources.

My chosen substrates are muslin, waste papers, tea bags, and watercolor paper,  My current favorite media are inks (both soluble & insoluble), beet juice, and watercolors, however, constant experimentation finds me reaching for unfamiliar materials and found tools.


Peggy Marlatt


Mara Krumins