Jo Andersen

Artist’s Books
Regeneration, understanding resources, co-creating with nature; these are concepts that have continually interested me. My handmade Artist’s Books are unique or small edition books, working with textures of papers and the sequential aspects of a text/image narrative within a variety of book formats. They reflect my interest in combining printing methods such as woodcuts, gum transfer prints, serigraphs, etchings, monotypes, aquatints and alternative process photography. Rhythmic printed patterns from Sonoran plant species, desert plant dyes and my handmade Kozo paper, are also an integral part of these Artist's Books.

Book of Snakes
This book is a reflection of Snake as a repeated symbol within my dreamtime. These transformational and empowering dreams span many years, each with strong personal significance. I made Gum Arabic transfer prints of my photographs and drawings and hand dyed the paper with native plants. The cover is made with “road kill” snake skins that I prepared and preserved.

This is a compilation of white tea stained cyanotypes, in an accordion spine book format. 
Beaches of rounded pebbles and sand
Bunkers still falling from eroding cliffs
Bullets and shrapnel can still be found
I feel the heaviness of lives lost. I sense the cries of the fallen.
Walking here I also see golden light, beauty, recovery and hope.

If humans have ever needed a reset button it is now. What would it look like to try remaking humanity?
This is a stab bound book of woodcut prints inspired by nature.


Lori Andersen